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2013-01-03 11:43




【 liuxuequn.com - 移民资讯 】



  1. 当物品上写着的“Two for three dollars”时,购买一个的价格不会很贵,买一个就是一块半。在快餐店就不能单买一个,例如 Arby 的“2 Sub for 4 dollars”的促销活动。

  2. Buy one get on free 这是美国常见的一种促销手法,小至日常用品,大至汽车都有“buy one get one free” 的优惠。但由于是买一送一,所以拿两个跟拿一个的价钱是一样的。

  3. Never buying beers without your pictured ID in hand 美国的法律规定,达到法定年龄时,才能购买酒精类的产品,而且卖家都会查看买者的 picture ID。此外,有些地方是可以卖 Liquor,个别州规定星期日不得卖酒。

  4. Bring your I.D to the bar and when you write a check 一般跳舞的酒吧都有年龄的限制,有些规定是 18 岁,有些要 21 岁。

  5. 几乎所有的营业场所晚上六点都会关门。



  1Why do you want to go to Canada? 2What do you know about Canada? 3How do you think Canadian economy? 4You know Canada has one of the best social welfar e systems/health systems in the world. How do you think of it? 5What particular things do you like in Canada? 6Why do you want to leave China?7How do you think the experience you have in China ? 8Do you go to Canada because you are not successfu l in China? 9Where are you going to settle (or live) in Canada ?10What do you know about Vancouver, the place you' re going to live? 11

  Tell me anything you know about Vancouver?

  12Why would you like to settle in Vancouver? 13Tell me any other cities you know in Canada.14Tell me anything you know about Vancouver? 15Why would you like to settle in Vancouver? 16Tell me any other cities you know in Canada. 17Have you heard anything about Canada in Chinese media recently? 18What's your impression on Vancouver (Canada)? 19What do you think about Canadian political syste m? 20Have you been to Canada (any other countries bes ides Thailand)? 21What is the biggest city in Canada? 22Is your University famous?23Who is the premier of Canada?24How many people are there in your family? 25Why do you leave your spouse/child/parents behin d?26Did your parent agree with you on immigration? 27Does your spouse have any plan when she accompan ies you to Canada? 28Why don't you bring your child with you to Canad a? 29What kind of qualification did you get?. 30What university did you graduate? 31Tell me something about your university? 32What's your major? 33What have you learnt in your university? 34Have the course you studied in the university he lped you? 35Did you get any award in the university? 36How long have you studied English? 37Can you speak any other language? 38Do you have any other languages or skills, which might assist you to find a job in Canada? 39Do you have to speak English, write English in y our work invironment?40How often do you use English? 41Can you operate the computer? 42What do you know about internet? 43Have you received any professional training? 44Have you received any on-site job training? 45You studied Physics (or other field), why do you apply as acomputer programmer? 46Do you have any professional license/certificate ? 47How did the training help you in your present ca reer?48In what company are you working at present? 49Can you tell me something about your company?50How many employees are there in your companies? 51Tell me the detail of your colleagues' job title s? 52How long have you been working in the company? 53How long have you been working in this firm sinc e your graduation? 54How long have you been in the position?55Who do you report your work to?56What is the position in your company? 57How many staffs do you supervise? 58What's the main business of your company? Name o f general manager? 59What have you done in your work? 60What are your responsibilities? 61What are your achievements? 62Tell me one of your biggest achievements? 63Why did you work in the same company for so long ?64

  What's your Career OBJECTIVE?

  65Do you know any company in Canada, which offers the same service as your company? 66What's your routine work? 67Do you have a reference letter from the present employer? 68After you land in Canada, what sort of job you p lan to look for and how long you believe will take 69you before you can successfully get ajob offer? 70Why do you think you can be successful in Canada , while many other immigrants have failed in their care er?71Why do you think you can live and be successful in Canada at yourage? 72How can you find a job in Canada? 73If I approve your application, do you think you will have anyproblems to adapt the new living style in Canada? If no, tell me why you have confidence to adapt to the new environment? What plans have you made to liv e in Canada? 74How can you survive in Canada? 75What are you going to do if you cannot find a jo b in Canada? How will your friends help you?76What will be the first important thing you are g oing to do after arrival in Canada? 77

  What are your relatives (friends) doing in Canad a?

  78You know a lot of Hong Kong people have come bac k from Canada, how do you think about it? 79Can you tell me something about your career? 80Why are you certain that you can be qualified as a successful immigrant? 81Do you have any idea about the job market in you r occupation in Canada? 82Have you done any research about job opportuniti es in Canada? 83Do you know anything about the present employmen t situation in Canada? 84Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada w ho could assist you? 85

  What are you going to do if you have no money an d nobody is willing to help you?

  86Do you have enough money to support yourself and your family if you can't find a job immediately? 87How much transferable funds and other personal a ssets do you have? Do you have a summary of your assets ?

  想了解更多移民资讯网的资讯,请访问: 移民资讯




