留学群新西兰移民顾问表示,移民评分系统是申请新西兰技术移民的第一步,当申请人有意向新西兰申请技术移民时,首先需要通过新西兰移民局的评分,只有在满足基本的分数线以后,才可以向移民局正式提交EOI(Expressions of Interest, 移民意向申请)。新西兰技术移民评分,根据现有的政策,满100分可以进入候选池(EOI Pool)中等待入选,满140分无需等待自动被选出。 所以如果您计划申请新西兰技术移民,至少需要100分或以上,才有申请资格。
加分说明 - liuxue86 |
得分 |
技术雇佣 Skilled employment: |
在新西兰合法工作12个月或以上 Current skilled employment in NZ for 12 months or more |
60 |
有新西兰工作offer或者当前在新西兰工作不足12个月 Offer of skilled employment in New Zealand or current skilled employment in New Zealand for less than 12 months |
50 |
技术雇佣额外加分 Bonus points for employment or offer of employment in: |
未来发展领域工作 An identified future growth area |
获得此项加分的前提是必须有新西兰技术雇佣 |
10 |
绝对紧缺职业工作 An area of absolute skills shortage |
10 |
奥克兰以外地区工作 Region outside Auckland |
10 |
配偶在新西兰工作或有新西兰工作offer Partner employment or offer of employment |
20 |
工作经验 Work experience: |
2 years |
1.工作经验必须与提名职业相关;并且 |
10 |
4 years |
15 |
6 years |
20 |
8 years |
25 |
10 years |
30 |
新西兰境内工作经验额外加分 Additional bonus points if work experience in New Zealand: |
1 year |
5 |
2 years |
10 |
3 years or more |
15 |
未来发展领域工作经验额外加分 Additional bonus points for work experience in an identified future growth area: |
2 to 5 years |
申请人必须有新西兰技术雇佣,才能获得此项加分 |
10 |
6 years or more |
15 |
绝对紧缺职业工作经验额外加分 Additional bonus points for work experience in an area of absolute skills shortage: |
2 to 5 years |
专业和职业必须相关 |
10 |
6 years or more |
15 |
学历 Qualifications: |
专科、技工 Recognised level 4-6 qualification (e.g. trade qualification, diploma) |
40 |
学士或荣誉学士学位 Recognised level 7 or 8 qualification (e.g bachelors degree, bachelors degree with Honours) |
50 |
硕士和博士 Recognised level 9 or 10 post-graduate qualification (Masters degree, Doctorate) |
60 |
额外加分 Bonus points for: |
2年的新西兰全日制学习,获得学士学位(level 7) 2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised bachelor degree (level 7) New Zealand qualification |
10 |
1年的新西兰全日制学习,获得研究生文凭 1 year of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification |
10 |
2年的新西兰全日制学习,获得研究生文凭2 years of full-time study in New Zealand completing a recognised post-graduate New Zealand qualification |
15 |
未来发展领域学历 Qualification in an identified future growth area |
申请人必须有新西兰技术雇佣,才能获得此项加分 |
10 |
绝对紧缺职业学历 Qualification in an area of absolute skill shortage |
专业和职业必须相关 |
10 |
配偶学历 Partner qualifications |
专科或技工 recognised level 4-6 qualification |
要想获得配偶学历加分,配偶雅思需达到总分6.5 |
10 |
学士学位以上 recognised level 7 + qualification |
20 |
新西兰近亲属 Close family support in New Zealand |
近亲属指: your or your partner's adult brother or sister, adult child, or parent |
10 |
年龄 Age (20 to 55 yrs): |
20-29 |
30 |
30-39 |
25 |
40-44 |
20 |
45-49 |
10 |
50-55 |
5 |